Learn to love your mistakes!
As a rider have you ever felt angry or disappointed when you make a mistake? Assuming you are normal… and the answer is yes, than you probably haven’t embraced what your mistakes mean to your development.

A coach’s job is to teach you things you didn’t know but also to help you improve upon the things you do. Every mistake you make is an opportunity to teach you how to change the actions or behaviors that lead to the mistake. However, all too often athletes allow their frustration to cloud their ability to process the teachings. As a result, coaches often have to forego addressing that teachable moment in exchange for letting the athlete cool off and/or collect themselves.
With that in mind, what if we were to look at your training strictly from a mathematical perspective. If you have a regimented amount of training time with your coach then it stands to reason that in order to get the maximum benefit from the coaching is dependent on well you utilized the time. If a fraction of the time is spent with you clouded by the frustration of your mistake than that time is lost and you did not get the maximum benefit.
Maximizing your time learning will inevitably lead to a reduction in the amount of mistakes you will make. Furthermore, learning to embrace each of your mistakes as a teachable moment will help you to cope with them better when they do happen.
So learn to love your mistakes, because without them you have nothing to learn!