Riding Tips
Learn to love your mistakes! As a rider have you ever felt angry or disappointed when you make a mistake? Assuming you are normal and the answer... READ MORE

Horse Shows
Trevella Stables actively competes in all three
levels of organized riding competition. Locally,
with the Northern Equestrian Circuit (NEC),
provincially, with the Trillium Circuit (NETHJA),

Riding Camps
Trevella proudly offers March break and summer
riding camps to extend riding opportunities to young
riders eager to explore a new or further develop
their interest in riding. Our athlete...

Trevella is a proud member and affiliate of the
various Equestrian Associations. To learn more about
each of the following organizations please click on
their website link...

Trevella Equestrian Team
Trevella Equestrian Team (TET) operates under the
standards of “NOT-FOR-PROFIT” business in order to
aid riders and families perform structured
fundraising activities and obtain...

Riding Clinics
Trevella is a proud to host a series of riding
clinics with actively competing pros from all across
North America. These clinics are specifically
designed to create opportunities for young...
Our Program

At Trevella Stables, we’ve applied the fundamentals of academic schooling to create a program designed to aid riders from all walks of life to successfully reach their aspired goals.

At the core of our curriculum is the idea of staying true to ourselves and not try to be “everything” to “everyone”. As such, Trevella is proud to offer lessons for various levels and styles of English equestrian riding. Our certified instructors from both Equine Canada & National Coaching Certificate Program, have the skills, experience and training to help you reach your riding goals. To get you started we will schedule an appointment with you to discuss and evaluate your level of riding. From there, we will pair you with a coach and quality mounts suitable to your skill level and needs.
Types of Lessons:
- Basics fundamentals of riding
- Beginner, intermediate and advanced Hunter training
- Beginner, intermediate and advanced Jumper training
Our lesson program is also supported by our coaching program which operates under the tutelage of head coach and stables owner Christine Kinsella. By extending an opportunity to the experienced riders of Trevella Stables to further their equine aspirations by coaching the younger generation riders, our program has taken shape as a three-tiered system. In coordination with the riding/coaching requirements of Equine Canada and in support of our system, Trevella Stables also offers rider level testing and Junior coaching training camps.
Program Levels:
- Junior level coaches teach basic fundamentals and beginners jumpers
- Intermediate level coaches prepare riders for local level competition
- Advanced level coaches work with riders looking to compete at all levels